
Art & Drinks

A Fusion of Creative Cocktails Inspired by Fine Art

In the world of mixology, inspiration transcends traditional boundaries. It can be found in unexpected places: a serene park, the comfort of home, and even within the realm of fine art. Consider Renoir’s iconic “Luncheon of the Boating Party,” a masterpiece that evokes the essence of conviviality and joie de vivre. Here, we delve into a selection of cocktails inspired by art, inviting you to savor the harmony of flavors reminiscent of these celebrated paintings.

Cocktails Inspired by Fine Art

  • 45 ml (1.5 fl oz) Alfonso Sherry Oloroso
  • 30 ml (1 fl oz) sweet vermouth
  • 2 shots of orange bitters
  • Preparation: Stirred
  • Glass: Coupe
  • Garnish: Orange peel
Monet (Bamboo Twist)
  • 45 ml (1.5 fl oz) fino sherry
  • 30 ml (1 fl oz) Belsazar Dry Vermouth
  • 15 ml (0.5 fl oz) oregano-olive cordial
  • 1 shot lemon bitter
  • 1 shot Angostura Bitters
  • Preparation: Stirred
  • Glass: Coupe
  • Garnish: Blue paint

Recipe for Oregano-Olive Cordial included.

  • 350 ml (12 fl oz) Japanese gin
  • 650 ml (22 fl oz) fermented hibiscus tea
  • 150 ml (5 fl oz) vanilla-lemon syrup
  • 150 ml (5 fl oz) water
  • Steps: Nitro Keg
  • Glass: Long
  • 35 ml (1.2 fl oz) Tanqueray Gin Rangpur
  • 20 ml (0.7 fl oz) limoncello infused with hops
  • 20 ml (0.7 fl oz) pasawa
  • 15 ml (0.5 fl oz) sugar syrup
  • 3 drops of Saline Solution
  • 2 grapes
  • Steps: Muddle/Shake/Fine strain
  • Glass: Whisky

Recipe for Limoncello infused with hops included. Description inspired by Renoir’s painting.

  • 45 ml (1.5 fl oz) Singleton-infused katsuobushi
  • 30 ml (1 fl oz) Timur Berry Paragon Cordial
  • Top up with agate soda
  • Steps: Straight way
  • Glass: Long

Immerse yourself in these artistic libations, where each sip encapsulates the essence of timeless masterpieces. Explore the synergy of art and drinks, a fusion that awakens the senses and celebrates creativity in every pour.

Artful Bar Design

Innovative Spirits