
How to Be Heard Amidst the Roar

Ingenious Solutions at Bar Conventions

Every bar convention, bar show, and cocktail week share one overwhelming feature: a din of decibels. Yet, at the Prague Bar Show, which was no exception to this rule, a clever solution reminiscent of Columbus’ egg appeared. FENIX DRINKS, providing a platform for Zdenek Kastanek, co-owner of Singapore’s EcoSpirits, and Alex Kratena (creator of Muyu liqueurs), sought a way to ensure their presentations could cut through the noise. And they found it.

Every hour, at their booth, twenty attendees were given headphones typically used for simultaneous interpreting, transforming their experience. The ambient noise receded into a distant backdrop, allowing Kastanek’s insights on lesser-known agave distillates and the story of liqueurs inspired by Kratena’s expedition with Simone Caporale and Monica Berg to reach the audience without interruption.

Eco Totes

MOTH Cocktails in a Can